The Cryptic Closet 4 anthology will relaunch on February 15th. It includes multiple short horror comics including one written by yours truly. Be sure to check it out.
Category: News
[This post was adapted from my March 23, 2024 Newsletter.] In March of last year, my copy of Full Tilt came in the mail. It was a fantastic looking book that I had been looking forward to getting my hands on since backing the campaign on Zoop. I have to say that it looks really […]
My Only Two Comic Things This Year
This year (and the previous one) has been very light on comics. I only worked on two projects and they both come out this month. The first is the Kickstarter campaign for the Salty Roos comic. Salty Roos is a comic about surfers who were turned into mutant Kangaroos and ended up fighting cryptids in […]
Secrets & Shadows on Global Comix
Secrets & Shadows is now uploaded and can now be read on Global Comix. You can find it on the Shadow Cluster Comics page: Check it out if you haven’t.