I’m breaking from my usual silence to promote some Kickstarters I came across either on Twitter or from looking through Kickstarter’s Comic’s Page.
1. First up is Urbance which is down to the last 63 hours and in need of funding. They have almost everything, but are stalling out at the last leg of the campaign.
What is Urbance?
Urbance is a 26-minutes animated action serie for 16+ audience. Written and Directed by Joel Dos Reis Viegas and Sébastien Larroudé. A topic that hits with stunning visuals and blasting tunes; Urbance brings you into a post-modern story world, made of hip-hop vibes and electronic influences.
It seems like a dope project and one that should see the light of day.
2. Next Up Is Cannon Busters
An android with a secret past. A prince on the run. Magic & Mayhem. Help create an episode of a hip & new fantasy epic, Cannon Busters!
If you couldn’t tell, I’m a huge fan of comics and animation. Some of my favorite Western animation shows in recent years have been The Boondocks, Black Dynamite, and Legend of Korra so when someone who has worked on those shows is putting together a project, I want to show support. Plus, I respect the idea of someone making something that won’t be limited or restricted by a company or corporation. And there are a lot of heavyweights working on it so you know they won’t slack if it gets funded. If you like what you see, you should toss in some money.
3. Next is a comic that has special significance to me that I almost missed: Zombie Highway
Zombie Highway is a book that was published by Digital Webbing Presents way back in 2005. When I was in high school and college, I used to hang out on the DW message boards and out of all of the stories that were coming out, I was into Zombie Highway the most. I’m still have the issues I bought and remember a lot of the story. It’s easy to make Walking Dead comparisons, but the story is completely different and has a much lighter and enjoyable tone. It is one of those books I can look back on and remember standing apart from the rest of the zombie comics that would eventually flood the market around the same time. I dug it and I think you would too.
Check it out. If it interests you, throw in some money to get it funded.
4. Coincidentally, I was messaged on Facebook as I was writing this by Ryan Smith about his Kickstarter project. I don’t know how he knew I was randomly writing a post about Kickstarters, but I’m going to assume he’s a psychic of some sort. With that being said, here is the aforementioned project.
Codename: Iron Cobra vs the PCP Army #1
A 5 issue full color high octane mini-series filled with action, violence, and drugs. Tom Hunter is a Delta Force Operator recruited by a clandestine operation within the C.I.A. in the 1980’s. He was given a license to kill and tasked to wage a one man war against drugs. This clandestine organization gave him a codename: Iron Cobra.
Judging by that description (and the ridiculously 80’s video accompanying it), one can only assume that the comic is going to be filled with balls-to-the-wall action, violence, and 80’s pop culture references. If that is your thing, then you should definitely chip in to get your hands on the first issue. If you don’t get it now, then who knows when you’ll get another chance to pick something up as crazy as this.
If one of these projects is dope to you, support it. If not, then check out some of the other stuff on Kickstarter because I guarantee you’ll find things that you’ll enjoy. There are so many interesting and unique projects that don’t get funded and it breaks my heart to see it. Support creative people because that project yo fund might get seen by someone and inspire them to make great things.
Or something like that.
Later Days.