I’ve made posts about how I’ve been working on the Clusterf@#k Print Collection/Trade Paperback/What have you, but I’ve also been putting together a Kickstarter for the book as well. It won’t go up until next month, but I wanted to put the bug in people’s ears now so that they know what’s up.
If you haven’t read the series, it is available on Comixology, Google Play, Amazon Kindle, and many other digital outlets. Check it out if you haven’t already.
“Monsters, Vampire gangsters, Werewolves, and Government agents? And you thought your Saturday night was rough.”
Clusterf@#k is a six-issue digital series written by me, drawn by Diego Toro, colored by Kote Carvajal, lettered by Nic J. Shaw and published by Alterna Comics.
Clusterf@#k is about Jim Parker and Karl Latimer, two private investigators who are having what may be the worst Saturday night of their entire lives.
First, they get ambushed by a lame wizard/scientist. Then they find themselves being chased by the Department of Extraterrestrial and Paranormal Defense because they may or may not have be in possession of a powerful demonic artifact. Add a vampire street gang whose leader has a vendetta against Jim and you have what is ultimately a big clusterf**k. Hence the title.
The origins of Clusterf@#k go way back to 2002 around my sophomore year of high school. My friends and I were bored in US History class so I would write these exaggerated stories about the previous day. Every night, I would find myself gleefully typing on my 5-year-old Fujitsu laptop and giggling quietly to myself.
After high school, I lost touch with those friends but the characters always stuck with me.
Years later, I was working in Japan and was putting together a new story when the characters popped back into my head and Clusterf@#k was born.
Clusterf@#k pulls from a lot of influences and despite the fact it’s a comic book, not many of them are comics. It pulls from a lot of films I was watching in Japan (a couple of which were comics). The Hellboy films, Men In Black, and a bunch of buddy cop films, were huge influences as well as a couple books that were stylistically what I was looking for. Skullkickers was one and the other was a book called Killer of Demons. I really liked the art style of the books and they helped me figure out what kind of artist I was looking for. Lastly, it pulls from a few animated shows I was into (Boondocks, Cowboy Bebop, and later Black Dynamite).
I’ll be making updates about the Kickstarter as we get closer, but I wanted to make a quick post and announce it on the site.
Also, I know the site has been lacking new content so I’m working on putting together some new content.
Later Days