
Kickstarter Update: 15% and rising…

As of right now, the Clusterf@#k Kickstarter is at 15% (a little over $750) and things are looking pretty good. Sunday was a bit slow, but I think Sundays are generally slow days for Kickstarter. Still, I was able to get a couple pledges today which bumped my Kickstarter up to 15% and I was able to push the Kickstarter out in front of a lot of new eyes so hopefully, those people will consider backing it in the next few days.

If the needle doesn’t move in the next few days, I’m going to switch to more direct tactics. Not in an aggressive sense, but I will try to take more action to getting more people’s eyes on the book. We’ll see.

But for right now, I’m confident that it will make a steady climb. Either way, I’m doing the best I can.

Later Days

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